By Arthur Miller

Thoroughly enjoyed All My Sons at Theatre USA this evening! Some very powerful performances in this very challenging piece. Kudos to director Chris Peck on a show well done. Excellent pacing and dramatic tension in those final two acts! Thought my heart was going to burst. Some very nice nuances from this talented cast. I was reminded tonight of just how incredible Arthur Miller was as a playwright. Such a rich play with so many levels which really gave my hyper-attentive brain something to play with. An excellent portrayal of the darker side of industrialism and capitalism. It creeps between the bonds of this family like silent, poisonous vines and the ensemble enacts this tragic decay with great skill. I'd never read the play before, but immediately started picking up on the tree motif: They have come to fruition, but the roots, it seems, are burrowed in unstable ground. Enter a storm to send it all crashing down.--Eric Browne (Baker High School Theatre Director)

Knowing that this was a first production for you on this campus, I wish to acknowledge that you made the whole show a confident expression of your own feeling and passion in the theatre and that you made the joy quite serious and quite brave.  I wish to formally express my sincere respect for what you accomplished, the University of South Alabama is lucky to have you in its Dramatic Arts Department.--Dr. Lee Van Dyke (Chair Dramatic Arts, University of South Alabama)